Colmar : A record ten-year agreement of 2.5 billion euros for the Liebherr group

Visiter l'Alsace | Non classé | Colmar : A record ten-year agreement of 2.5 billion euros for the Liebherr group

A significant event has just occurred in Colmar. The Liebherr group has concluded a spectacular agreement worth 2.5 billion euros in favor of the Australian group Fortescue. This commitment involves the delivery of 475 mining machines over a period of ten years, representing a major advancement for the local industrial sector.

An unprecedented order for Liebherr

This contract is set to become one of the most important in Liebherr’s history. Indeed, it represents the largest order for the company in 75 years of existence. The delivery of 475 mining vehicles includes newly designed electric shovels, innovating in the mining sector. This momentum reflects the company’s growth and adaptability in an ever-evolving economic context.

A significant impact on local employment

This partnership between Liebherr and Fortescue will benefit the local economy located in Colmar. The manufacturing of the machines will primarily take place on-site, thereby increasing factory activity. It is expected that 55 electric shovels R 9 400 E will be assembled in the company’s workshops. This represents nearly 10% of production over the next four years, which will inevitably create jobs and strengthen local expertise.

The specifications of the delivered equipment

The machines ordered by Fortescue are revolutionary. Equipped with advanced technologies, these mining machines are designed to respect the environment while increasing the efficiency of operations. With buckets with a capacity of 22 m³, these electric shovels represent a significant step towards a more sustainable and efficient mining model.

A collaboration that prioritizes innovation

This collaboration illustrates Liebherr’s commitment to innovation. By developing environmentally friendly machines, the company aligns with international standards and the growing demands of the market regarding ecology. This type of agreement provides a real boost to initiatives aimed at promoting more sustainable practices in the mining sector.

The future prospects for Colmar

The agreement with Fortescue is a promising sign for the future of the industry in Colmar. With the local assembly of sophisticated machines and an increase in the level of industrialization, the region is positioning itself as a key player in the European and global market. This type of investment heralds new possibilities and economic development favoring the well-being of the population.

The recent agreement binding the Liebherr group and Fortescue is a major step for the economy of Colmar. With a colossal amount of 2.5 billion euros, this commitment promises to transform the industrial landscape of the region over the next ten years. By planning the delivery of 475 mining machines, Liebherr demonstrates an ambitious vision, marked by a desire to innovate and sustain its local activity. The benefits derived from this agreement are not limited to the economic aspect; they also generate a vast network of local jobs through on-site production. Furthermore, this contract marks a significant advance towards the use of environmentally friendly technologies in the mining sector, with electric shovels becoming the norm. By promoting a sustainable approach, Liebherr is part of a global movement for responsible industrialization. This partnership brings a glimmer of hope for the future of Colmar and creates a dynamic ecosystem for the years to come. Thus, this agreement of 2.5 billion euros represents not just a figure, but embodies a reality that is promising for employment, industrialization, and sustainable development of the region. The prospects left behind by this initiative are undeniably promising and strengthen Colmar’s position in the international market, thus creating significant growth opportunities for the entire local community.

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