La Liberation of Alsace: Koufra and the History of a Promise Fulfilled

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The liberation of Alsace is marked by a major symbolic and historical event: the Koufra oath, pronounced by General Leclerc. This oath was a promise to liberate Strasbourg and constitutes a memorial journey of the 2nd Armored Division that blossomed throughout France until Alsace. Through this article, let us dive into the heart of this promise and its repercussions on regional history.

The Origins of the Koufra Oath

General Leclerc committed to a flagship battle in 1941, while he was in Libya. At Koufra, he stormed a strategically important oasis, defeating much larger troops. It was at this moment that he uttered the weighty words: “I swear to not lay down my arms until our colors fly over the cathedrals of Strasbourg and Metz.” This declaration became a symbol of the determination and courage of Free France, embodying the hope for a future liberation of Strasbourg.

The Journey of the 2nd Armored Division

After affirming his oath, the 2nd armored division distinguished itself in several battles across North Africa, then in Normandy. In August 1944, it took part in the liberation of France, with bold strategies, notably that of Lieutenant Colonel Jacques Massu, who surprised the enemy at Obersteigen by taking routes deemed unlikely. This bold approach would be key to their success in the liberation of Alsace.

The Koufra Markers: Testimonies of History

To commemorate this heroic commitment, more than 200 Koufra markers were installed across the localities where the 2nd armored division fought. Each stele tells a part of this story of bravery. The first marker was erected in 2004 in Saint-Martin-de-Varreville, marking the path to Strasbourg, and bearing witness to the promise kept by Leclerc.

The Liberation of Strasbourg

The culmination of this promise came on November 23, 1944, when Strasbourg was liberated. The men of General Leclerc had carved their way through epic battles until the tricolor flag finally waved over the magnificent cathedral of Strasbourg. This emblematic event not only marked the end of occupation but also the fulfillment of a solemn oath made three years earlier. A marker at the Rhine port, inaugurated in 2010, reminds all who see it of this historic moment.

A Memorial Legacy

The memory of the liberation of Alsace and its story linked to the Koufra oath is a cherished legacy for the Alsatians. These markers are more than just stones; they are guardians of our history and remind new generations of the importance of remembrance duty. Veterans and citizens continue to engage in preserving this history, constantly reminding that these events shaped the Freedom of their region.

Ultimately, the liberation of Alsace and the Koufra oath remain rooted in the hearts of many French people. This oath, beyond a military act, represents the unwavering commitment to freedom and human dignity. The bravery of the soldiers of the 2nd DB, their determination to fulfill this promise, and their sacrifice, deeply marked Alsace and shaped its history. The Koufra markers, erected at various points in the region, serve as tangible witnesses of this key moment, allowing future generations to remember these struggles for freedom. Through the Alsatian air chase, visitors and residents can feel the echo of General Leclerc’s words and understand the importance of these events. It is a journey through time, a quest for historical reminiscences, and a celebration of the victory of hope over oppression.

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