To discover the castles in Alsace

Visiter l'Alsace | Non classé | To discover the castles in Alsace

Dive into the heart of medieval Alsace and let yourself be enchanted by the magic of the fortresses that dot the region. Discover the fascinating history of these monuments full of mystery and adventure, and let yourself be transported on an epic journey through time.

History and Heritage

In Alsace, time is revisited by discovering exceptional works and sites. Designed to protect towns and villages, these splendors have become true places of sharing and meeting: castles, fortified cities, towns, and villages with surprising heritage…

Experience 65: Relive the era of knights at the Hohlandsbourg Castle

At Hohlandsbourg Castle, history is experienced like a game. The 360° view is breathtaking and gives the feeling of being nestled in a real eagle’s nest. It allows budding knights to spot potential attackers. For children, it’s the moment to don a period dress or a knight’s costume.
In this magnificent 13th-century medieval fortress, the largest in Alsace, children learn history through play. One explores the daily life of the castle and its inhabitants. The visit continues inside with the discovery of a museum featuring artifacts from the Bronze Age.

Experience 66: Hike to a castle and encounter happiness along the way

Following wellmarked hiking trails leading to hidden castles in Alsace.

In Alsace, castles number in the hundreds, from north to south. They are all connected by marked hiking paths. Some are perched high above the canopy and visible from the start of the trail. To discover others, one must walk until the last few meters to finally catch a glimpse of a silhouette around a final bend. Sometimes, one must walk through a forest, along a vineyard, upstream of a stream, or alongside lush pastures. Upon arrival, the journey taken and the fantastic view bring an absolute sense of fulfillment.

Experience 67: Live the history of the Middle Ages at the Fleckenstein Fortress

An impressive fortress, a wall that rises above the treetops, millennia-old stones marked by the imprint of wheels… Fleckenstein Fortress is undeniably a panoramic dive into history.
One rushes to climb the steep stairs and metal walkways while children, delighted, start a treasure hunt. Once the summit is reached, it’s pure bliss: a breathtaking panorama. The gaze gets lost in the thick wooded mantle that covers the hills of the Northern Vosges. What a strange feeling to think that in the Middle Ages, our ancestors contemplated the same landscape.

Experience 68: Raise a glass in front of the Kaysersberg Castle gates

The festive spirit comes to life with this stroll towards Kaysersberg Castle: upon arrival, a tasting of a great vintage is planned. The walk starts from the village to gently climb the hundred steps leading to the castle. As one gains height, the landscapes become denser while emotion gradually takes over. Is it the combined effect of altitude and the beauty of the site?! Arriving at the foot of the medieval castle, it’s time to taste the exquisite drink. Facing the stunning panorama, the flavors seem amplified.

Experience 72: Unearth history at the Grand Geroldseck Castle

Restoration work on the Grand Geroldseck castle, a historical landmark in Alsace.

Participating in the preservation of a medieval castle is tempting! In a distant past, the Grand Geroldseck was one of the largest castles in Alsace. Abandoned for centuries, buried under a blanket of vegetation, a handful of volunteers tired of seeing it decay rolled up their sleeves. Thanks to them, the ruins have been saved from oblivion, and the remnants of the castle are once again visible, for everyone’s enjoyment. However, the maintenance work must be renewed each year. Clearing, consolidations, renovations… A manual labor, open to volunteers, that helps preserve this essential memory.

Also discover

– Fantastic walks in the land of castles: discover our guide to explore other castles in Alsace.
– Travel back in time at the Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle: an immersive experience not to be missed.
– Adventure in the Northern Vosges Nature Park: set out to discover the surrounding nature on an exciting getaway.
– And many other experiences to discover: explore all the possibilities and imagine your next getaway with the guide Dream of Alsace.

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